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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A wet chicken coop

How do I keep my chicken coop clean? We put patio blocks on the ground but the straw still gets wet, even if I don't let them outside! Any ideas?


Susan said...

The floor of the coop (wood boards)needs to be above the ground - with an air space under them. The coop will still have to be cleaned out of course, but ground wetness won't get in.

Jean Marie said...

I'm trying to talk my husband into a raised floor. He doesn't want to spend the money, and he is afraid the rats will use this space. All I've read on this says the rats will only make tunnels with a hard surface above them. They will run under the raised floor, but not live there.

Susan said...

I agree with you, and if the building is propped up on blocks or something that is not a solid footing (intermittent, or has spaces that are open), it won't be enclosed enough for anything to want to live there.